My 2018 garden plot is a grand and fun experiment, with many highs and many lows. Creating the blog to chronicle my success is a high, but the results in the garden fall short. This week I give my garden a mid-year report card. I discover I am a tough grader.
- Overall, B
- Effort, A
- Results, C
April through May, grade B

- Parsley and radishes, B
- Arugula, C
- Beets, carrots, beans, F
Lessons learned from this period in my garden:
- Only after I lay out the string plot and plant the first seeds do I learn that I should have turned over my garden with black-gold soil before planting.
- A mentoring program for new community gardeners would be valuable. Otherwise, first-year gardeners fly by the seat of their pants. A mentor would underscore the necessity of using composted soil before planting.
May through end-July, grade C

- Tomatoes, A
- Peppers and basil, B
- Cucumbers, D
- Carrots and patty-pan squash, F
Lessons learned from this period in my community garden:
- Two of six tomato plants are full size tomatoes. Of the full tomatoes, one variety yields gnarled, mutant fruits and the other yields perfectly round fruit. I will exchange cherries next year for full size tomatoes.
- The tomato plants become a Hydra, with vines and branches growing in all directions and encircling and overshadowing beans and peppers.
First half of August, grade C

I stare at the garden plot, wondering what I can do differently. I yank out carrot fronds, replant arugula and radishes, and try a few bean plants, the last of which quickly succumb to insects. My last visit two days ago suggests that the full tomatoes are nearing their end. Whether the green fruit will ripen remains uncertain.
Lessons learned from this period in my community garden:
- Reconfigure the garden so the vegetables -- in my case, peppers and beans -- do not get overshadowed by the tomatoes.
- Swap out cherry tomatoes and bring in more full-size tomatoes.
Community spirit experience, grade B
Community spirit is a big reason to join a community garden. Everyone I meet in the garden is invariably kind, but I meet comparatively few people over five months, despite nearly ninety neighboring plots. Community service hours, visiting horticulturists and potluck dinners help to get people talking, but only if they happen frequently and with greater involvement.
A couple ideas come to mind to increase community spirit:
A couple ideas come to mind to increase community spirit:
- Schedule (bi)weekly drop-in sessions between new and experienced gardeners to analyze progress during the season.
- Pull together small mentoring teams to meet regularly throughout the season to jump-start successes and increase camaraderie.
- Share vegetables and herbs among gardeners. Yes, many gardeners give vegetables to food banks, but I am more interested in food swaps with other gardeners to taste new vegetables and learn what works.
- Think about a community spirit ambassador to experiment with the ideas.
Final comments
- I am looking forward to my 2019 community garden plan. Besides tomatoes, I plan to plant peppers, herbs, radishes and arugula. Of the vegetables that got an F grade, I need to identify which ones I want (cucumbers, yes, carrots, no) and what else I should try (zucchini, eggplant).
- What should I be planting now for fall or spring? I hear about garlic, leek, onion and scallion. Ideas?
Ciao for now, Diane Tunick Morello